Monday, June 15, 2009

Start of rumor madness

It's that time of year again the NHL season is over and crazed hockey fans need some sort of hockey news to keep them going. This blog is going to stray away from giving you the boring NHL news of the offseason such as team analysis and talking about the draft prospects that have already been talked about day in and day out. This blog is going to provide you with nothing but rumors in a quick hit format. Those who know me know that I am obsessed with NHL rumors and spend a lot of my time following them and finding them. I will be providing rumors on this blog that I find or hear on a day to day basis. All I'll be doing is blogging what I heard and that is it. I may add my own little comment on the validity of the rumor or what I think but that is it. Hope you enjoy this blog, and if anything you get a kick out of the rumors I find. Enjoy the blog.

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